Thursday, February 17, 2011

Western hockey overpowers UW in final home game

Friday Feb. 4 @ Bellingham Sportsplex

The Western Vikings put on a show for their fans in the final home game of the season against their biggest rival the University of Washington Huskies, winning 8-5 in front of a revved up crowd surrounding the ice rink at the Bellingham Sportsplex Friday night.
With the game tied at 4 going into the final period, the Vikings jumped all over Husky goalie Danny Dougan, scoring 3 quick goals to unravel the junior goaltender. Western forward Danny Becker scored two of his three goals in the third period to complete the hat trick and put the game out of reach.
With each goal scored, the rowdy Western fans banged on the glass behind Dougan and shouted remarks to rattle the goalie's concentration. It appeared the fans got under his skin when after the third goal went past him into the net, Dougan just looked down at the ice and shook his head. A group of about eight Western fans who stood on the bleachers, would run right up to the glass behind the goalie after every goal and yell, "Hey Dougan, your mother and I are disappointed in you!"
It is ironic that Western's hockey coach, John Dougan, is the father of the Husky goalie. On the other side, Western goalie Tyler Zetting picked up the win for the Vikings.
With the win Western avenged their loss to the Huskies back on October 15, a 4-3 loss.
This weekend (Feb 18-20) the Vikings hockey team will take part in a season ending hockey tournament. For more info check out the Western hockey facebook page, or team page:

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